Work Items

Work Items

Completed Work Items – 2024

Technical Report


  • Explore use cases, system requirements, and deployment options for integrating Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication technologies with infrastructure sensors.
  • Outline a framework for developing interoperable, standardised solutions that can operate efficiently within existing Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) spectrums.


White Paper


  • Provide an update of 5GAA’s vision for the global deployment of smarter, safer and more sustainable mobility and transportation services.


Technical Report


  • Provide the state of the art including demonstrations and market status, regulation, and safety-related aspect regarding uncrewed ground robots (UGRs) as well as common analysis and system/component requirements for UGRs.
  • Show the methods of communication between UGRs and road users in view of existing gaps in ITS standards, to identify a way forward to incorporate UGRs in future standards.


Technical Report


  • Outline a vision for integrating a Non-Terrestrial Network (NTN) connectivity layer as a complement to Terrestrial Networks (TN), enhancing coverage and services for connected vehicles.


Technical Report


  • Build on previous work in 5GAA on the topic of VRUs, focussing on co-existence and interoperability between different companies’ solutions.
  • Previous showcases and demonstrations have shown the functionality and safety benefits of VRU protection solutions, whereas the objective of VRU-DEMO is to show how these solutions are able to interact with each other.


White Paper


  • Explore how to manage misbehaviour in Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication systems, where vehicles and infrastructure directly exchange information.

Technical Report


  • Provide a business perspective on the Vehicle-to-Network-to-Everything (V2N2X) market, covering market value, stakeholder needs, market growth drivers, and business models observed in various deployments.
  • The report complements the high-level V2N2X architecture described in the 5GAA white paper ‘Road traffic operation in a digital age’ and the technical report ‘Vehicle-to-Network-to-Everything (V2N2X) Communications; Architecture, Solution Blueprint, and Use Case Implementation Examples.’

Technical Report


  • Describe an ecosystem for stakeholders on how to realise various V2X applications and use cases (UCs), using cellular network communications in combination with information sharing structures between backend systems.
  • Clarify the different implementation options of the V2X application in a vehicle and their related implications.
  • The report complements the V2N2X business perspectives  in the 5GAA white paper ‘Road traffic operation in a digital age’ and the technical report ‘Business Perspectives on Vehicle-to-Network-to-Everything (V2N2X) Deployments’.

White Paper


  • Propose a framework for trust assessment within CAVs by defining key terms related to trust and trustworthiness, establishing a foundation for building trust between these vehicles and creating a taxonomy for classifying different trust relationships.

Technical Report


  • Develop a methodology specifically for testing vehicular communication antennas and provide validation measures that account for the unique form factors and characteristics of each vehicle.
  • This document is an updated version of the Vehicular Antenna Test Methodology technical report published by 5GAA in 2021, available here.

Position Paper


  • Reflect the automotive and connectivity industries agreement on spectrum allocation for ITS services in the 5.9 GHz band in Europe.
  • This 5GAA position paper also takes into account the updates from ETSI and CEPT and proposes a deployment band configuration for road-ITS in the 5.9 GHz band.

White Paper


  • Propose a transformative approach for automotive stakeholders, emphasizing scalable digital data exchange and a federated architecture to manage road traffic information efficiently.
  • Recommend a National Roadway Digital Strategy, federated information-sharing structures, and aligned investments.

Position Paper


  • Provide an overview of how security, privacy, and data quality are addressed for C-V2X using mobile network and backend communications, also known as Vehicle-to-Network-to-Everything (V2N2X) solutions.

Technical Report


  • The overview of cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) devices provides a fresh look at the devices currently available on the market or nearing release to capture the evolving C-V2X device landscape.

Completed Work Items – 2023


  • Work with the Connected Motorcycle Consortium (CMC) to identify potential C-V2X technology solutions for
  • use cases for powered two-wheelers, focusing on safety aspects
  • This includes use cases enabled by external connectivity or sensors but also covers use cases that may profit or be enabled by the presence of external computing power, representing an attractive potential market even with low V2X penetration.


  • Identify and evaluate a selection of evolving and emerging technologies for positioning in line with the 5GAA roadmap for use automotive use cases.
  • Perform a gap analysis based on automotive use cases concerning selected technologies and provide feedback to relevant SDOs.


  • Cover a broad range of topics, ranging from the analysis of MEC-relevant use cases and requirements, both from a technical and business perspective, the collaboration with SDOs and industry groups (GSMA), the definition of a reference architecture with related deployment scenarios, an early study on security and privacy aspects, and the drafting of a plan for future experimental activities on MEC for automotive services, including public demos.


  • Highlight the vast array of new business opportunities that 5G will enable for the connected mobility ecosystem by moving the discussion beyond safety and automated driving to other innovative solutions and customer experiences.

White Paper


  • Consider realistic evaluation assumptions based on a common understanding between the automotive industry and 5G-V2X technology vendors.



  • Address the issue of trustworthiness in relation to position information exchanged in the context of V2X communication(how much trust the ITS station can place on the received V2X message containing the positioning information).
  • Provide an overview of the current standards related to positioning, including the integrity of the position and confidence levels, and review the definitions and metrics used so far.


  • Develop and socialise guidance documents on C-V2X direct communications RSU deployment in the USA with a focus on Day 1 (messages, minimum performance, interoperability and certification) to foster real-world infrastructure deployments.


  • Accelerate the understanding and adoption of VRU protection services enabled by C-V2X to meet the 5GAA-proposed roadmap for deploying those services.
  • This objective is addressed by experimentation and demonstrating existing technology and standards. Exploiting and analysing the results of the experiments and demonstrations enabled an assessment of the existing standards and potential standardisation gaps, laying the ground for the mass deployment of VRU protection services.

Completed Work Items – 2022


  • Stimulate auto industry awareness in Conformity Assessment (CA) and conduct a study of current CA schemes being developed by global industry organizations.
  • Develop a framework for a harmonized conformance assessment for PC5 applicable to both roadside units and on-board units and attain support from global industry bodies and stakeholders


  • Define use cases and align the Use Case Roadmap for mass-market deployment of advanced driving use cases, including their technology and spectrum requirements.


  • Analyze the feasibility of distributed vehicle antennas from an implementation perspective and develop measurement strategies for the analysis.
  • Analyze the specification impact and the potential necessary changes, and provide output to relevant standardization organizations for possible requirements recommendations.


  • Secure consumer acceptance and trust in V2X technologies, and perform lawful processing of data while preserving system efficiency to deliver upon the benefits of both basic and advanced V2X services.


  • Produce a report which describes the actions which 5GAA and its members would need to take to ensure that relevant ETSI and CEPT deliverables are created as needed to support the 5GAA C-V2X Roadmap.


  • Provide awareness of the current state of misbehaviour developments in standards developing organizations, and propose action items to fill the existing gaps.


  • Continue incubation of new technical enablers, both use case specific and use case agnostic, with the intent of achieving sufficient maturity for transition to standards developing organizations .
  • Contribute to SDOs via a Liaison member, bringing up new developments in foundational enablers and protocols for review and consumption by TCs & TFs.


  • Review and update the specified methodology for the use case analysis for Predictive Quality of Service (QoS) related Service Level Requirements.
  • Develop potential enhancements to interfaces, signalling and architecture of the Predictive Quality of Service (QoS) system, including but not limited to the aspects related to edge cloud and interoperability.


  • Detect, propose and evaluate possibilities for telecommunication operators, vendors and further stakeholders to provide what is necessary in order to enable the car OEM to better treat safety.
  • Investigate processes and tools used to develop and operate the complete chain of the system, deriving a judgement on feasibility of those processes for safety.


  • Monitor the activities of standards developing organizations and provide regular updates of the ecosystem to 5GAA members to enable an early identification of risks and challenges in standardization.


  • Introduce tele-operation service provider relevant use cases and scenarios with a V2N2V nature and identify gaps and develop architecture solutions for the development of tele-operated driving services
  • Study framework requirements of a tele-operation service between vehicle and remote tele-operation centre in cross-mobile network operators, cross-original equipment manufacturers and cross-authority scenarios.


  • Produce a C-V2X tolling white paper using the experience from the technology and cost analysis to show the tolling industry how to find common benefit in C-V2X and the importance of C-V2X in the future Road Digitalization Roadmap.


  • Establish use case implementation descriptions realizing use cases’ Service Level Requirements for Automated Valet Parking (AVP), Informative Sensor sharing (HD map Collecting and Sharing), Sensor Sharing for Automated vehicles (AVs) and HD Sensor Sharing for AVs.
  • Contribute to overarching application system implementation specifications combining the respective use case implementation specifications, including potential interfaces to network layer and security layer.


  • Update and improve use case descriptions and corresponding Service Level Requirements in already published Technical Reports and White Papers.
  • Collect, harmonize, align, and integrate new use case descriptions developed in 5GAA and publish the third volume of the Technical Report on C-V2X Use Cases and Service Level Requirements.


  • Strengthen 5GAA members’ understanding of the state of play of V2X in China and improve the cooperation with and among Chinese members.


  • Publish an industry specification defining a system profile to enable US deployment of interoperable basic safety services using LTE-V2X direct communication over channel 183.


  • Establish qualitative general, functional and operational requirements to describe systems for the 5G evolution and beyond that would be useful for automotive solutions.
  • Provide a unified 5GAA opinion on evolving technologies and the expected transition path for the automotive ecosystem when moving from current 5G technology to its evolution, including potential threats and opportunities.

Completed Work Items – 2021


  • Gather evidence of the environmental benefits associated with C-V2X and assist in developing this evidence into a compelling narrative.
  • Assess the benefits of C-V2X deployment (both LTE-V2X and 5G-V2X direct and network-based communications) in terms of emission reduction by 2050 in Europe (and for US and Asia) considering various positive and negative externalities.


  • Identify and investigate further potential enhancements needed to provide Predictive Quality of Service (QoS) for C-V2X, investigate interoperability of network slices, and provide relevant recommendations to standards developing organizations (SDOs) and industry forums, e.g. 3GPP, ETSI, ISO and GSMA.


  • Demonstrate the use of multi-access edge computing (MEC) technology for automotive services, for example, when two distinct automotive vendors can truly test at least three use cases involving two distinct mobile network operators (MNOs) employing the network infrastructure provided by two distinct infrastructure vendors.
  • Increase the flexibility of the current network service architecture, reduce the deployment effort, and increase the interoperability among different stakeholders in the system.


  • Describe how existing 3GPP methods reduce and improve service interruption due to network reselection.
  • Provide an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) view on current and desired network reselection.


  • Close the gap of the first spectrum needs study by analyzing several advanced use cases and consider additional items such as security overheads in a second release.


  • Prepare a report which describes the 5GAA’s 5.9 GHz radio channel deployment options for use by LTE-V2X and NR-V2X across all regions, and describe relevant changes to existing regulatory frameworks – or the introduction of new regulatory frameworks – which may be required across all regions.


  • Update Use Case Technical Reports with updated use case descriptions and develop a white paper for the Wave 2 of use cases.
  • Provide a new set of use cases with their corresponding service level requirements (SLRs) to be summarized into a new TR.


  • Study and describe specific and technology dependent use case implementations that fulfil the service level requirements (SLRs) as defined in the technology agnostic 5GAA use case descriptions.
  • Develop corresponding descriptions for three exemplary use cases: Left Turn Assist (LTA), (Electronic) Emergency Brake (light) Warning (EEBL), and Traffic Jam Warning and Route Information.


  • Define a standardized test method and metrics for vehicular antennas with the dominant emittance toward the outside of the vehicle, focusing on vehicular antennas for telecommunications (2G, 3G, 4G, 5G (< 7.125GHz)), vehicular antennas for direct communication between vehicles to road infrastructure (operating in the designated ITS frequency spectrum (5.9GHz range)), GNSS antennas and 3D-measurements (vehicle-mounted antenna element)


  • Focus on positioning method for vehicles and vulnerable road users (VRUs) and study both positioning methods employing cellular signals (5G/LTE/C-V2X) and the positioning methods integrated with other technologies.
  • Study the requirements of positioning, build the understanding of positioning system framework, and offer the corresponding technologies according to the requirements and environments.

Completed Work Items – 2020


  • Analyze V2I deployment costs, including financial, economic and market aspects, to provide guidance to regulators, policymakers and other key stakeholders.
  • Analyse options with higher and lower levels of V2I-based infrastructure vs. V2N-based approach.


  • Define and analyse the automotive use case requirements in terms of Quality of Service (QoS) using network slicing and analyze business value and identify the specific features required to support the automotive use cases that cover IoT and mobile broadband services.


  • Define use cases and align the Use Case Roadmap for mass-market deployment of advanced driving use cases, including their technology and spectrum requirements.

Map, assess and contribute to the identification of technical gaps (upper and lower layers, e.g. protocols, Rel. 18 requirements) and forward to relevant standards setting organizations (SSOs).


  • Define all necessary details for conducting the first 5GAA C-V2X Plugfest in the first quarter of 2019.
  • Define 5GAA requirements and timelines for conducting successive plugfests after the first quarter of 2019.


  • Facilitate a harmonized industrial evolution and development of enhanced cellular V2X, starting with supporting the basic use cases with the already available C-V2X technologies such as 3GPP Rel-14/15 C-V2X and adopt new technologies for the use cases which cannot be served with current C-V2X


  • Establish a lightweight security system for C-V2X/5G-V2X communications by conducting a requirements analysis of regional privacy regulations to establish an overview of regional differences and define requirements for each region.
  • Analyze concepts to simplify the architecture and its impact on regional privacy compliance.


  • Identify structured and reasonable requirements on mobile networks relevant to spectrum auctioning to accommodate automotive use cases and enable mobile network operator (MNOs) to quantify associated investments.
  • Analyze licensed spectrum auctioning frameworks and other incentivizing initiatives, such as infrastructure leasing exceptions, where additional investments required by mobile network operators (MNOs) to fulfill requirements associated to automotive use cases are appropriately recognized.


  • Develop application-level groundwork for the next-generation services (Rel-16) with use cases involving complex message interactions for assisted and autonomous (Ll1-Ll5) and automated driving (supported by infrastructure).
  • Build prototypes and demonstrate next-generation applications (Rel-16 and further) to gain hands-on experience with some use cases to help stakeholders (OEMs, suppliers, road operators, regulators) understand how 5G NR can implement the concept of connected and automated vehicles for proximal vehicle-to-X coordination and cooperation.


  • Solicit road operators’ views on their role in the deployment of ITS C-V2X services through a free form questionnaire to determine the road operator willingness to participate directly in future 5GAA discussions or events.


  • Develop and demonstrate a phased vulnerable road user (VRU) protection approach by defining a VRU protection roadmap.
  • Provide realistic paths for vulnerable road user (VRU) protection using cellular communications, differentiating C-V2X from 802.11p based technologies and set the stage for application of C-V2X to VRU protection.


  • Define the application layer reference architecture for the V2X service and recommend the application layer reference architecture of the V2X system.
  • Discuss other architecture related subjects to align with the coordinated 5GAA architecture.


Completed Work Items – 2019


  • Identify, analyze and compare the advantages and disadvantages of V2I deployment using long-range (Uu) mobile networks and RSU (PC5) from a business perspective, reflecting how C-V2X enables synergies with both the transportation and telecommunications infrastructure, which includes leveraging existing mobile network infrastructure for C-ITS.


  • Work on the CEPT/ETSI-related activities by extending the ITS safety-related band at 5.9 GHz to allow coexistence of LTE V2X and Urban Rail to coexist with ITS-G5 within the 5,875-5,925 MHz frequency band.
  • Clarify ITS “co-frequency coexistence” statements, include future 3GPP releases and evolution, engage the urban rail community, engage with national administrations.


  • Develop a trial and interoperability testing framework that defines the deployment scenarios and uses cases, testing methodologies, key performance indicators (KPIs) to be tested.
  • Develop a 5GAA trial and interoperability testing strategy to capture the 5GAA testing priorities, including setting up a 5GAA testbed environment and planning multi-partner trials covering the priority test cases.


  • Prepare input material for the work in ETSI TC ITS to amend the test specification required to use LTE-V2X as the underlying access layer technology.


  • Identify and evaluate potential architecture enhancements needed to provide predictable Quality of Service (QoS) for C-V2X in 5G for the automotive industry, utilizing network slicing and edge computing technologies.
  • Provide guidelines on the design of Network Slice Templates (NST) for the automotive industry that enable support for different categories of C-V2X use cases and 5GAA requirements.


  • Provide an assessment of the deployment roadmap for use cases.
  • Establish a mapping between use cases and potential technology candidates, e.g. 3GPP releases, sidelink and/or Uu requirements.


  • Define a framework for classifying use cases and requirements, identify prioritized use cases, functional requirements and key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Perform a gap analysis and specify the extended set of prioritized use cases.


  • Identify the use cases that benefited from the presence of an application server, and based on the output, explore the V2X application server features and how the application server can be used to perform these use cases.

Completed Work Items – 2018


  • Develop consensus on operating models for system implementation, taking into account the various requirements arising from the planned networked transport services.
  • Investigate architectural paradigms such as cloud-based solutions, including edge computing aspects, and analyze solutions from the perspective of verification, confidentiality and privacy, identify requirements and key performance indicators (KPIs), and recommend further actions.


  • Enable the development of a strategy for comprehensive testing, trials, demo pilots, and compliance assessment for V2X using cellular air interface specifications (i.e., including PC5 and Uu).



  • Promote C-V2X, including existing (LTE-V2X PC5 and Uu interfaces) and future realizations, as the technology of choice for ITS and promote ITS in 5.9 GHz spectrum in some areas, and interact various regulatory organizations.
  • Comment FO: This WI did not have an acronym.


  • Promote C-V2X, including its existing (LTE-V2X) and future realizations, as the technology of choice for ITS.
  • Promote appropriate availability of radio spectrum for C-V2X where necessary in addition to 5.9 GHz, and promote the use of 5.9 GHz for safety-related ITS over other applications (e.g., RLANs, CBTC).
  • Comment FO: This WI did not have an acronym.


  • Quantify the future spectrum needs for 5G short-range V2X communications in the context of safety-related ITS spectrum allocation and 5G wide range communications.
  • Comment FO: This WI did not have an acronym.


  • Develop recorded test procedures to validate various performance and functional requirements of C-V2X technology covering both the laboratory/test bed and the field test environments.


  • Quantify future spectrum needs for 5G V2X communications related to ITS spectrum allocation for advanced use cases, including a technology assessment of the amount of radio spectrum needed to meet the key performance criteria related to the low frequency band (e.g. 5.9 GHz) as well as mmWave (e.g. 63–64 GHz) for various advanced ITS applications and a wide-area 4G/5G Uu interface.
  • Comment FO: This WI did not have an acronym.

Completed Work Items – 2017


  • Establish a high-level plan for C-V2X trials in North America, including definition of trial scope and objectives, identification of suitable/preferred trial facilities, and guidance regarding preferred trial participant composition.


  • Identify existing regional V2X application specifications that have some dependency on specific radio access technologies, such as ITS-G5/11p, and determine how these specifications can be adapted to interoperate with generic radio access technologies and, in particular, with the lower layers of ITS-Cellular specified by 3GPP.


  • Develop the timeline of major functionalities and milestones describing the expected availability of monetizable items and associated business and/or operational model options.



  • Identify sensor data sharing requirements from planned automated driving applications, including architecture options, requirements and implications.
  • Conduct a gap analysis of ETSI ITS standards related to existing data objects and complete a technical report outlining the 5GAA framework for sensor data sharing for V2X applications.


  • Prepare a survey report on finalized, on-going and planned test activities, established testbeds and simulation frameworks.


  • Compile V2X communication terms and definitions to be used within the 5GAA.

Completed Work Items – 2023


  • Work with the Connected Motorcycle Consortium (CMC) to identify potential C-V2X technology solutions for
  • use cases for powered two-wheelers, focusing on safety aspects
  • This includes use cases enabled by external connectivity or sensors but also covers use cases that may profit or be enabled by the presence of external computing power, representing an attractive potential market even with low V2X penetration.


  • Identify and evaluate a selection of evolving and emerging technologies for positioning in line with the 5GAA roadmap for use automotive use cases.
  • Perform a gap analysis based on automotive use cases concerning selected technologies and provide feedback to relevant SDOs.


  • Cover a broad range of topics, ranging from the analysis of MEC-relevant use cases and requirements, both from a technical and business perspective, the collaboration with SDOs and industry groups (GSMA), the definition of a reference architecture with related deployment scenarios, an early study on security and privacy aspects, and the drafting of a plan for future experimental activities on MEC for automotive services, including public demos.


  • Highlight the vast array of new business opportunities that 5G will enable for the connected mobility ecosystem by moving the discussion beyond safety and automated driving to other innovative solutions and customer experiences.


  • Address the operational aspects of misbehaviour detection, explicitly looking into remediation classification, misbehaviour classification and misbehaviour remediation.


  • Analyse and evaluate the performance of 3GPP NR-V2X sidelink and draw conclusions and recommendations for its operation, including gap analysis covering future releases and engagements with relevant SDOs.


  • Address the issue of trustworthiness in relation to position information exchanged in the context of V2X communication(how much trust the ITS station can place on the received V2X message containing the positioning information).
  • Provide an overview of the current standards related to positioning, including the integrity of the position and confidence levels, and review the definitions and metrics used so far.


  • Develop and socialise guidance documents on C-V2X direct communications RSU deployment in the USA with a focus on Day 1 (messages, minimum performance, interoperability and certification) to foster real-world infrastructure deployments.


  • Accelerate the understanding and adoption of VRU protection services enabled by C-V2X to meet the 5GAA-proposed roadmap for deploying those services.
  • This objective is addressed by experimentation and demonstrating existing technology and standards. Exploiting and analysing the results of the experiments and demonstrations enabled an assessment of the existing standards and potential standardisation gaps, laying the ground for the mass deployment of VRU protection services.

Completed Work Items – 2022


  • Stimulate auto industry awareness in Conformity Assessment (CA) and conduct a study of current CA schemes being developed by global industry organizations.
  • Develop a framework for a harmonized conformance assessment for PC5 applicable to both roadside units and on-board units and attain support from global industry bodies and stakeholders


  • Define use cases and align the Use Case Roadmap for mass-market deployment of advanced driving use cases, including their technology and spectrum requirements.


  • Analyze the feasibility of distributed vehicle antennas from an implementation perspective and develop measurement strategies for the analysis.
  • Analyze the specification impact and the potential necessary changes, and provide output to relevant standardization organizations for possible requirements recommendations.


  • Secure consumer acceptance and trust in V2X technologies, and perform lawful processing of data while preserving system efficiency to deliver upon the benefits of both basic and advanced V2X services.


  • Produce a report which describes the actions which 5GAA and its members would need to take to ensure that relevant ETSI and CEPT deliverables are created as needed to support the 5GAA C-V2X Roadmap.


  • Provide awareness of the current state of misbehaviour developments in standards developing organizations, and propose action items to fill the existing gaps.


  • Continue incubation of new technical enablers, both use case specific and use case agnostic, with the intent of achieving sufficient maturity for transition to standards developing organizations .
  • Contribute to SDOs via a Liaison member, bringing up new developments in foundational enablers and protocols for review and consumption by TCs & TFs.


  • Review and update the specified methodology for the use case analysis for Predictive Quality of Service (QoS) related Service Level Requirements.
  • Develop potential enhancements to interfaces, signalling and architecture of the Predictive Quality of Service (QoS) system, including but not limited to the aspects related to edge cloud and interoperability.


  • Detect, propose and evaluate possibilities for telecommunication operators, vendors and further stakeholders to provide what is necessary in order to enable the car OEM to better treat safety.
  • Investigate processes and tools used to develop and operate the complete chain of the system, deriving a judgement on feasibility of those processes for safety.


  • Monitor the activities of standards developing organizations and provide regular updates of the ecosystem to 5GAA members to enable an early identification of risks and challenges in standardization.


  • Introduce tele-operation service provider relevant use cases and scenarios with a V2N2V nature and identify gaps and develop architecture solutions for the development of tele-operated driving services
  • Study framework requirements of a tele-operation service between vehicle and remote tele-operation centre in cross-mobile network operators, cross-original equipment manufacturers and cross-authority scenarios.


  • Produce a C-V2X tolling white paper using the experience from the technology and cost analysis to show the tolling industry how to find common benefit in C-V2X and the importance of C-V2X in the future Road Digitalization Roadmap.


  • Establish use case implementation descriptions realizing use cases’ Service Level Requirements for Automated Valet Parking (AVP), Informative Sensor sharing (HD map Collecting and Sharing), Sensor Sharing for Automated vehicles (AVs) and HD Sensor Sharing for AVs.
  • Contribute to overarching application system implementation specifications combining the respective use case implementation specifications, including potential interfaces to network layer and security layer.


  • Update and improve use case descriptions and corresponding Service Level Requirements in already published Technical Reports and White Papers.
  • Collect, harmonize, align, and integrate new use case descriptions developed in 5GAA and publish the third volume of the Technical Report on C-V2X Use Cases and Service Level Requirements.


  • Strengthen 5GAA members’ understanding of the state of play of V2X in China and improve the cooperation with and among Chinese members.


  • Publish an industry specification defining a system profile to enable US deployment of interoperable basic safety services using LTE-V2X direct communication over channel 183.


  • Establish qualitative general, functional and operational requirements to describe systems for the 5G evolution and beyond that would be useful for automotive solutions.
  • Provide a unified 5GAA opinion on evolving technologies and the expected transition path for the automotive ecosystem when moving from current 5G technology to its evolution, including potential threats and opportunities.

Completed Work Items – 2021


  • Gather evidence of the environmental benefits associated with C-V2X and assist in developing this evidence into a compelling narrative.
  • Assess the benefits of C-V2X deployment (both LTE-V2X and 5G-V2X direct and network-based communications) in terms of emission reduction by 2050 in Europe (and for US and Asia) considering various positive and negative externalities.


  • Identify and investigate further potential enhancements needed to provide Predictive Quality of Service (QoS) for C-V2X, investigate interoperability of network slices, and provide relevant recommendations to standards developing organizations (SDOs) and industry forums, e.g. 3GPP, ETSI, ISO and GSMA.


  • Demonstrate the use of multi-access edge computing (MEC) technology for automotive services, for example, when two distinct automotive vendors can truly test at least three use cases involving two distinct mobile network operators (MNOs) employing the network infrastructure provided by two distinct infrastructure vendors.
  • Increase the flexibility of the current network service architecture, reduce the deployment effort, and increase the interoperability among different stakeholders in the system.


  • Describe how existing 3GPP methods reduce and improve service interruption due to network reselection.
  • Provide an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) view on current and desired network reselection.


  • Close the gap of the first spectrum needs study by analyzing several advanced use cases and consider additional items such as security overheads in a second release.


  • Prepare a report which describes the 5GAA’s 5.9 GHz radio channel deployment options for use by LTE-V2X and NR-V2X across all regions, and describe relevant changes to existing regulatory frameworks – or the introduction of new regulatory frameworks – which may be required across all regions.


  • Update Use Case Technical Reports with updated use case descriptions and develop a white paper for the Wave 2 of use cases.
  • Provide a new set of use cases with their corresponding service level requirements (SLRs) to be summarized into a new TR.


  • Study and describe specific and technology dependent use case implementations that fulfil the service level requirements (SLRs) as defined in the technology agnostic 5GAA use case descriptions.
  • Develop corresponding descriptions for three exemplary use cases: Left Turn Assist (LTA), (Electronic) Emergency Brake (light) Warning (EEBL), and Traffic Jam Warning and Route Information.


  • Define a standardized test method and metrics for vehicular antennas with the dominant emittance toward the outside of the vehicle, focusing on vehicular antennas for telecommunications (2G, 3G, 4G, 5G (< 7.125GHz)), vehicular antennas for direct communication between vehicles to road infrastructure (operating in the designated ITS frequency spectrum (5.9GHz range)), GNSS antennas and 3D-measurements (vehicle-mounted antenna element)


  • Focus on positioning method for vehicles and vulnerable road users (VRUs) and study both positioning methods employing cellular signals (5G/LTE/C-V2X) and the positioning methods integrated with other technologies.
  • Study the requirements of positioning, build the understanding of positioning system framework, and offer the corresponding technologies according to the requirements and environments.

Completed Work Items – 2020


  • Analyze V2I deployment costs, including financial, economic and market aspects, to provide guidance to regulators, policymakers and other key stakeholders.
  • Analyse options with higher and lower levels of V2I-based infrastructure vs. V2N-based approach.


  • Define and analyse the automotive use case requirements in terms of Quality of Service (QoS) using network slicing and analyze business value and identify the specific features required to support the automotive use cases that cover IoT and mobile broadband services.


  • Define use cases and align the Use Case Roadmap for mass-market deployment of advanced driving use cases, including their technology and spectrum requirements.

Map, assess and contribute to the identification of technical gaps (upper and lower layers, e.g. protocols, Rel. 18 requirements) and forward to relevant standards setting organizations (SSOs).


  • Define all necessary details for conducting the first 5GAA C-V2X Plugfest in the first quarter of 2019.
  • Define 5GAA requirements and timelines for conducting successive plugfests after the first quarter of 2019.


  • Facilitate a harmonized industrial evolution and development of enhanced cellular V2X, starting with supporting the basic use cases with the already available C-V2X technologies such as 3GPP Rel-14/15 C-V2X and adopt new technologies for the use cases which cannot be served with current C-V2X


  • Establish a lightweight security system for C-V2X/5G-V2X communications by conducting a requirements analysis of regional privacy regulations to establish an overview of regional differences and define requirements for each region.
  • Analyze concepts to simplify the architecture and its impact on regional privacy compliance.


  • Identify structured and reasonable requirements on mobile networks relevant to spectrum auctioning to accommodate automotive use cases and enable mobile network operator (MNOs) to quantify associated investments.
  • Analyze licensed spectrum auctioning frameworks and other incentivizing initiatives, such as infrastructure leasing exceptions, where additional investments required by mobile network operators (MNOs) to fulfill requirements associated to automotive use cases are appropriately recognized.


  • Develop application-level groundwork for the next-generation services (Rel-16) with use cases involving complex message interactions for assisted and autonomous (Ll1-Ll5) and automated driving (supported by infrastructure).
  • Build prototypes and demonstrate next-generation applications (Rel-16 and further) to gain hands-on experience with some use cases to help stakeholders (OEMs, suppliers, road operators, regulators) understand how 5G NR can implement the concept of connected and automated vehicles for proximal vehicle-to-X coordination and cooperation.


  • Solicit road operators’ views on their role in the deployment of ITS C-V2X services through a free form questionnaire to determine the road operator willingness to participate directly in future 5GAA discussions or events.


  • Develop and demonstrate a phased vulnerable road user (VRU) protection approach by defining a VRU protection roadmap.
  • Provide realistic paths for vulnerable road user (VRU) protection using cellular communications, differentiating C-V2X from 802.11p based technologies and set the stage for application of C-V2X to VRU protection.


  • Define the application layer reference architecture for the V2X service and recommend the application layer reference architecture of the V2X system.
  • Discuss other architecture related subjects to align with the coordinated 5GAA architecture.


Completed Work Items – 2019


  • Identify, analyze and compare the advantages and disadvantages of V2I deployment using long-range (Uu) mobile networks and RSU (PC5) from a business perspective, reflecting how C-V2X enables synergies with both the transportation and telecommunications infrastructure, which includes leveraging existing mobile network infrastructure for C-ITS.


  • Work on the CEPT/ETSI-related activities by extending the ITS safety-related band at 5.9 GHz to allow coexistence of LTE V2X and Urban Rail to coexist with ITS-G5 within the 5,875-5,925 MHz frequency band.
  • Clarify ITS “co-frequency coexistence” statements, include future 3GPP releases and evolution, engage the urban rail community, engage with national administrations.


  • Develop a trial and interoperability testing framework that defines the deployment scenarios and uses cases, testing methodologies, key performance indicators (KPIs) to be tested.
  • Develop a 5GAA trial and interoperability testing strategy to capture the 5GAA testing priorities, including setting up a 5GAA testbed environment and planning multi-partner trials covering the priority test cases.


  • Prepare input material for the work in ETSI TC ITS to amend the test specification required to use LTE-V2X as the underlying access layer technology.


  • Identify and evaluate potential architecture enhancements needed to provide predictable Quality of Service (QoS) for C-V2X in 5G for the automotive industry, utilizing network slicing and edge computing technologies.
  • Provide guidelines on the design of Network Slice Templates (NST) for the automotive industry that enable support for different categories of C-V2X use cases and 5GAA requirements.


  • Provide an assessment of the deployment roadmap for use cases.
  • Establish a mapping between use cases and potential technology candidates, e.g. 3GPP releases, sidelink and/or Uu requirements.


  • Define a framework for classifying use cases and requirements, identify prioritized use cases, functional requirements and key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Perform a gap analysis and specify the extended set of prioritized use cases.


  • Identify the use cases that benefited from the presence of an application server, and based on the output, explore the V2X application server features and how the application server can be used to perform these use cases.

Completed Work Items – 2018


  • Develop consensus on operating models for system implementation, taking into account the various requirements arising from the planned networked transport services.
  • Investigate architectural paradigms such as cloud-based solutions, including edge computing aspects, and analyze solutions from the perspective of verification, confidentiality and privacy, identify requirements and key performance indicators (KPIs), and recommend further actions.


  • Enable the development of a strategy for comprehensive testing, trials, demo pilots, and compliance assessment for V2X using cellular air interface specifications (i.e., including PC5 and Uu).



  • Promote C-V2X, including existing (LTE-V2X PC5 and Uu interfaces) and future realizations, as the technology of choice for ITS and promote ITS in 5.9 GHz spectrum in some areas, and interact various regulatory organizations.
  • Comment FO: This WI did not have an acronym.


  • Promote C-V2X, including its existing (LTE-V2X) and future realizations, as the technology of choice for ITS.
  • Promote appropriate availability of radio spectrum for C-V2X where necessary in addition to 5.9 GHz, and promote the use of 5.9 GHz for safety-related ITS over other applications (e.g., RLANs, CBTC).
  • Comment FO: This WI did not have an acronym.


  • Quantify the future spectrum needs for 5G short-range V2X communications in the context of safety-related ITS spectrum allocation and 5G wide range communications.
  • Comment FO: This WI did not have an acronym.


  • Develop recorded test procedures to validate various performance and functional requirements of C-V2X technology covering both the laboratory/test bed and the field test environments.


  • Quantify future spectrum needs for 5G V2X communications related to ITS spectrum allocation for advanced use cases, including a technology assessment of the amount of radio spectrum needed to meet the key performance criteria related to the low frequency band (e.g. 5.9 GHz) as well as mmWave (e.g. 63–64 GHz) for various advanced ITS applications and a wide-area 4G/5G Uu interface.
  • Comment FO: This WI did not have an acronym.

Completed Work Items – 2017


  • Establish a high-level plan for C-V2X trials in North America, including definition of trial scope and objectives, identification of suitable/preferred trial facilities, and guidance regarding preferred trial participant composition.


  • Identify existing regional V2X application specifications that have some dependency on specific radio access technologies, such as ITS-G5/11p, and determine how these specifications can be adapted to interoperate with generic radio access technologies and, in particular, with the lower layers of ITS-Cellular specified by 3GPP.


  • Develop the timeline of major functionalities and milestones describing the expected availability of monetizable items and associated business and/or operational model options.



  • Identify sensor data sharing requirements from planned automated driving applications, including architecture options, requirements and implications.
  • Conduct a gap analysis of ETSI ITS standards related to existing data objects and complete a technical report outlining the 5GAA framework for sensor data sharing for V2X applications.


  • Prepare a survey report on finalized, on-going and planned test activities, established testbeds and simulation frameworks.


  • Compile V2X communication terms and definitions to be used within the 5GAA.

Active Work Items

This work item will drive the study on the trends and evolution of current technologies. The objectives of the work item consist of:

  • Establish qualitative general, functional and operational requirements that would describe systems for the5G evolution and beyond that would be useful for automotive solutions,
  • Conduct a SWOT analysis with the automotive industry with respect to evolving technologies in a timeframe of 5, 10 and/or 15 years,
  • Providing a unified 5GAA opinion (in the form of a white paper) on evolving technologies and the expected transition path for the Automotive
  • Ecosystem when moving from current 5G to its evolution, including the potential threats and opportunities.

This Work Item assesses the required communication technology to support Automated Valet Parking (AVP) as specified by the 5GAA Use Cases T-210023, T-190139 and T-190140 and their respective Service Level Requirements (SLR).

This Work Item assesses the required communication technology to support Automated Valet Parking (AVP) as specified by the 5GAA Use Cases T-210023, T-190139 and T-190140 and their respective Service Level Requirements (SLR).

This Work Item consists of:

  • Stimulate Auto Industry awareness in CA
  • Study of current CA schemes being developed by global industry organisations
  • Develop a framework for harmonized PC5 CA applicable to both RSUs and OBUs and attain support from global industry bodies and stakeholders


This Work Item aims at:

  • Create a list of devices and update it every 6 months
  • Define KPIs of the Dashboard and the format of the dashboard presentation
  • Verify 5GAA’s market predictions
  • Ensure legal compliance
  • Create the first dashboard for publication


A joint Work Item with the Connected Motorcycle Consortium, this WI will look into CV2X enabled use cases for motorcycles mainly focusing on safety

Definition of all Use Cases and alignment of UC roadmap for mass-market deployment of advanced driving Use Cases, inc. their technology and spectrum requirements.

A comprehensive overview of the privacy and data protection regulatory framework.

A report which describes the actions which 5GAA and its members would need to take in order to ensure that relevant ETSI and CEPT deliverables are created as needed to support the 5GAA C-V2X Roadmap.

This Work Item consists of:

  1. Moving toward federated MEC demos/trials (global MEC);
  2. MEC System interoperability and test framework;
  3. usage of predictive edge analytics and situation awareness for closed-loop adaptation in multi-MNO and multi-OEM MEC scenarios (synergy and inputs from NESQO,eNESQO,V2XSRA PRESA);

This Work Item aims at discussing attractive selling points for CV2X for both final customers and OEMs beyond the usually discussed ADAS and safety features.

This Work Item:

  • Provides awareness of current state of MBD developments in SDOs and trials/demos, and proposes action items to fill the existing gaps.
  • Delivers content on:  (1) concepts and terms definitions, V2X message stack, (2) overview of related/existing work and gaps, (3) Threat and Risk Assessment (TARA) and requirements for Day-1 applications, (4) determination of application domain-specific mitigation, and (5) legal aspects and recommendation of a strategy.

This Work Item aims at:

  • Continue incubation of new technical enablers, both UC specific and agnostic for transition to SDOs.
  • Contribute to SDOs via a Liaison member & Individual contributors from member companies will work directly on relevant standards projects on an ongoing basis.

This Work Item consists of:

  • Review and update the specified methodology for the UC’ analysis for Predictive QoS related SLRs.
  • Study application and system reactions.
  • Develop potential enhancements to interfaces, signalling and architecture of the P-QoS system, including but not limited to the aspects related to edge cloud and interoperability.
  • Provide input to SDOs.


This Work Item consists of:

  • Monitor SDOs activities on and provide regular updates of the ecosystem to 5GAA members. This will enable early identification of risks and challenges in standardisation.
  • Prepare contributions by 5GAA to critical SDOs.
  • Support WGs and WIs intending to provide inputs to SDOs.
  • Support 5GAA messaging in SDO related events.

This Work Item:

  • Explore the use of C-V2X to enable electronic toll collection in China (ETC)
  • Constructive advice about Investment, Performance Improvement and migration for C-V2X Tolling Implementation in China
  • Find common benefits between Road Industries and 5GAA


This Work Item consists of:

  • Update White Paper on C-V2X Use Cases: Methodology, Examples and Service Level Requirements [3].
  • Update TRs Vol. I [1] and Vol. II [2] as needed.
  • Update WP Vol. I [3] and Vol. II [4] as needed.
  • Create new TR (Vol. III) with new UCs.

This Work Item consists of:

  • Description of applicable measurement configurations
  • Description of test procedures
  • Definition of relevant metrics


Accelerate the understanding and adoption of VRU protection services enabled by C-V2X” in order to meet the 5GAA-proposed roadmap for the deployment of those services.

Completed Work Items – 2020

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Lorem ipsum

Completed Work Items – 2020

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Lorem ipsum