Vehicle-to-Network-to-Everything (V2N2X) Communications: Architecture, Solution Blueprint, and Use Case Implementation Examples

This technical report builds on the 5GAA white paper “Road traffic operation in a digital age” and guides stakeholders on implementing various vehicle-to-everything (V2X) applications using cellular networks and information sharing structures between backend systems.
It presents an application-level reference blueprint architecture and introduces an “information sharing domain” to enable scalable digital data exchange among stakeholders such as vehicle manufacturers, service providers, and infrastructure operators. The report details how to implement V2X applications that enhance safety and mobility, with examples including traffic event and signal information sharing, emergency vehicle approaching alerts, automated valet parking, and vulnerable road user protection. It also explains different implementation options for these applications within vehicles, distinguishing between OEM-controlled, OEM-supported, and OEM-independent apps.
Additionally, it describes proven solutions and references initial deployments like C-Roads and Talking Traffic, highlighting their effectiveness in accelerating V2X service adoption. Ecosystem stakeholders are encouraged to use this document as a guide for deploying V2X services using cellular networks and information sharing, with the potential to address more demanding use cases through enhanced cellular network capabilities.
Read the full report here.
For more information, find the complementary technical report “Business Perspectives on Vehicle-to-
Network-to-Everything (V2N2X) Deployments.”
A 5GAA online session on the V2N2X topic and reports took place on 18 June 2024. The recording of the online session can be accessed here. The slides of the presentation can be accessed here.