Conclusions and Recommendations for Communications Service Providers Supporting Road Operator Priorities and Expectations

Report 23 Jan. 2023

Conclusions and Recommendations for Communications Service Providers Supporting Road Operator Priorities and Expectations

The BRIDGE cross-Working Group work item (XWI) was established under the 5GAA ‘Digital Roads’ priority area. The concept of digital roads includes many elements, but BRIDGE addresses the business priorities of the Road Operators (RO) and how Co-operative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) and Vehicle to Everything (V2X) services, provided by Communications Service Providers (CSP), can support them directly. 

The BRIDGE work item obtained high-level guidance on the expectations and priorities of Road Operators. The Road Operator representatives that participated offered their views on the importance or priority of the business areas to their organisation and indicated which individual use cases were of interest. After a number of individual discussions, the BRIDGE team compiled a summary of the results, which are presented in this report.