5GAA publishes C-ITS Communication System Profiles

Report 25 Feb. 2020

5GAA publishes C-ITS Communication System Profiles

In light of on-going discussions on a legal framework for the European C-ITS deployment, a minimum set of specifications and configurations is needed for existing ITS standards ensuring the interoperability of C-ITS service among ITS stations using different communication technologies and systems, e.g. short-range and long-range radio communications.

While C-V2X standards are already finalised for 3GPP Rel. 14 and 5GAA published White Paper on C-V2X Use Cases: Methodology, Examples and Service Level Requirements, there are still many options on how to configure and establish parameters for C-V2X systems. In order to provide a common standard interpretation, corresponding system profiles are needed, which outline the basic system settings and environments

In Europe, Basic System Profiles (BSPs) have been developed by the Car-2-Car Communication Consortium (C2C-CC) and the EU-funded C-ROADS Platform project, assuming ITS-G5 with IEEE 802.11p as radio access technology for V2V and V2I communication. Though many aspects of the existing BSPs could be reused, there are some modifications needed for C-V2X. In addition, there would be extensions required in order to accommodate alternative communication links like V2P, V2N, and V2C.

5G Automotive Association makes publicly available the following  C-ITS Communication System Profiles: