5GAA partners with ETSI for the third ETSI C-V2X Plugtests™ event hosted by DEKRA at its Automobil Test Center in Klettwitz, Germany

The 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) is proud to partner again with the European Telecommunications Standard Institute (ETSI) and for the third ETSI C-V2X Plugtests™ event hosted by DEKRA at its Automobil Test Center in Klettwitz, Germany.
From 28 March to 1 April 2022, ETSI and DEKRA will enable On-Board-Unites (OBUs), Roadside-Units (RSUs) and public key infrastructure (PKIs) vendors to run interoperability test sessions to assess the level of interoperability of their implementation and validate the understanding of the standards.
Additionally, 5GAA organises a workshop on “C-V2X Interoperability and Deployment” to bring together some key players in the C-V2X deployment and interoperability ecosystem. The workshop will take place on Thursday 31 March, from 09:00 to 12:30 CEST at the Dekra Testing Site. The discussion will focus on the future of C-V2X for the automotive industries and the role of certification for the deployment of the technology.
Participants will also have the great opportunity to join live interoperability demonstration on DEKRA’s outside testing area and discover ETSI’s ITS Test Scenarios use cases showcased by various companies.
Interested in attending the C-V2X PlugtestsTM event? Registrations are open until 21 March. Due to the Covid restrictions, capacity on-site is limited.
For any further information, please contact marcom@5GAA.org
Please see the full agenda here:
9:00 – 09:30 – Opening session
Welcome to DEKRA Automotive Test Center Klettwitz
Thomas Jaeger, Head of Technology Technical Service Management, Senior Vice-President, Service Division Product Testing, DEKRA
Welcome to Plugtests Event
Ultan Mulligan, Director, ETSI Centre for Testing and Interoperability (CTI)
5GAA welcome and introduction to the workshop
Maxime Flament, Chief Technology Officer, 5G Automotive Association
09:30 – 09:50 – Session 1
Debrief of Klettwitz plugtests activities
Saurav Arora, Technical Project Manager, PlugtestsTM Event
10:20 – 11:35 – Session 2
Road operator perspective: “German Perspective on C-ITS Deployment”
Farzin Godarzi, Scientific Officer, Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt, Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen)
The future of C-V2X: “Commercial deployment of C-V2X vehicles”
Johannes Springer, Chief Technology Officer Connected Cars, Deutsche Telekom
Certification: “The importance of Certification for 5G Automotive”
Thomas Jaeger, Head of Technology Technical Service Management, Senior Vice-President, Service Division Product Testing, DEKRA
Testing Network V2X platform: “Vodafone’s V2X Safer Transport for Europe Platform (STEP)”
Robert Banks, Technology Development Manager, Vodafone
11:35 – 12:10 Moderated discussion – Bringing C-V2X on the Roads: the Role of Interoperability for Deployment
Moderator, Maxime Flament, Chief Technology Officer, 5G Automotive Association
12:10 – 12:30 Closing Remarks
Saurav Arora, Technical Project Manager, PlugtestsTM Event
Maxime Flament, Chief Technology Officer, 5G Automotive Association
Download the agenda here.