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Vehicular Antenna Test Methodology
The rise of connected vehicles and vehicle-to-vehicle communication necessitates a unified measurement procedure for their communication antennas. This would streamline…

MEC System Interoperability and Test Framework
The present document is continuing the previous work from 5GAA MEC4AUTO studies and reports. The previous work identified a set…

Accelerate the understanding and adoption of VRU protection services enabled by C-V2X
The 5GAA work item VRU-PRO aims to increase our understanding of the implementations of Vulnerable Road Users (VRU) use cases…

5GAA Position on the Secure Space-Based Connectivity Programme and Focus on the European Communication Satellite Constellation
This position paper outlines 5GAA’s core priorities in the field of space-based connectivity and industry requirements for the European Communication…

New Technical Report: C-V2X Pilot and Demonstration Areas in China
This TR outlines progress in existing key C-V2X testing zones in China. Firstly, the National C-V2X Pilot Areas and Demonstration…

New Technical Report: Conformity Assessment Strategy Evaluation (CASE)
This 5GAA Technical Report presents the results of the 5GAA Work Item Conformity Assessment Strategy Evaluation (CASE). This study investigates a practical…

Vehicular Antenna Test Methodology
The rising demand for connected vehicles as well as the ongoing deployment of vehicle-to-vehicle communication has shown that a unified…

Safety Treatment in V2X Applications
This White Paper describes the new challenges in the treatment of functional safety arising from the introduction of connected and…

Recommended LTE-V2X Related Amendments to ETSI ITS Test Specifications
Many specifications and standards previously defined by ETSI TC ITS include details and dependencies based on an assumption of using…

5GAA | Safety of Life Study
The aim of this study is to explore the impact of different technical solutions for Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS)…

5GAA Study | The cost-benefit analysis on cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) technology and its evolution to 5G-V2X
This report, authored by independent telecoms, media and technology consultants Analysys Mason together with automotive consultancy SBD Automotive, assesses the…

An assessment of LTE-V2X (PC5) and 802.11p direct communications technologies for improved road safety in the EU
This report by the 5G Automotive Alliance (5GAA) presents a quantitative analysis of the ability of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems…