Distributed vehicular antenna system

Report 18 Jan. 2022

Distributed vehicular  antenna system

Advances in communication technologies open up new opportunities and enable new types of services in the automotive area. These include road safety, traffic efficiency and customer services which are not specifically meant for automotive applications. As advanced V2X use cases requiring high reliability and/or high data rate are introduced, technologies such as multi-antenna solutions (e.g. massive MIMO), broadband (e.g. carrier aggregation), and FR2 solutions will be essential for V2X communications, and thus the number of required antennas mounted on vehicles will keep growing.

This study on the ‘Distributed vehicular antennas system’ provides a list of potential implementation options for vehicular-DAS with a brief analysis of impacts to 3GPP specifications and implementation costs. In addition, the potential performance gain of DAS over co-located antennas was verified through simulations, and the evaluation results and analysis were included in eCV2X WI TR.

Read the full report here.