5GAA’s John Kwant Explores the Current C-V2X Regulatory Landscape in the United States at the OmniAir Plugfest

5G Automotive Association (5GAA) Executive Director, Americas John Kwant is in Ann Arbor, Michigan today to explore the current regulatory landscape for C-V2X deployment in the United States as part of a panel on connected mobility at today’s OmniAir Plugfest.
Speaking at 9:00 (UTC-4) in the panel ‘Accelerating V2X Deployment: Bridging Government Initiatives, Industry Readiness and Local Implementations’, John Kwant will bring his expertise to the table and address the state of regulation and legislation covering V2X technology in the United States, as well as explain 5GAA’s work to promote deployment and widespread technology adoption.
The OmniAir Plugfest is an annual event hosted at MCity, Michigan in partnership with the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute. It is the world’s first purpose-built proving ground for testing the performance and safety of connected and automated vehicles and technologies under controlled and realistic conditions.
Today’s Connected Mobility Workshop offers a one-day technical deep dive into topics related to deployment, testing and future trends, along with live technology demonstrations and a networking reception.
In addition to 5GAA’s participation, attendees will have the opportunity to hear the insights of a number of experts and stakeholders including:
- John Harding, Federal Highway Administration
- Brian Romansky, INTEGRITY Security Services
- Debra Bezzina, University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute
5GAA Statement of Support for OmniAir Consortium
5GAA also wishes to express the association’s support for OmniAir Consortium’s C-V2X certification programme and appreciation for OmniAir C-V2X initiatives generally.
OmniAir Consortium’s certification programme, first established in 2021, is of significant benefit to the entire C-V2X ecosystem and contributes greatly to promoting technology development and adoption.
Certified C-V2X products, such as Onboard Units (OBUs), Road-Side Units (RSUs) and corresponding modules will allow for greater confidence regarding the ability to achieve seamless interoperability of both Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) functionality for the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). As a result, stakeholders across the C-V2X ecosystem benefit from OmniAir Consortium’s work – including vehicle manufacturers, infrastructure owner/operators, equipment suppliers and software suppliers.
5GAA and OmniAir have been partners since 2019, and the participation of our Executive Director, Americas John Kwant in today’s OmniAir Plugfest underscores the continued vitality of this collaboration.
For more information on today’s panel, see here.