5GAA C-V2X Workshop and Demonstration

On 10 July in Paris, The 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) organised a Workshop with the support of PSA Groupe, Ford, BMW to present and showcase Cellular-Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) technology to European transport stakeholders including EU Member States Ministries, Road Traffic Authorities & Road Operators, as well as a wide array of interest groups and industry representatives. The Workshop was followed by a Demonstration of C-V2X Direct Communication Interoperability Between Multiple Automakers (BMW Group, Ford, and Groupe PSA).
With the support of UTAC-CERAM, this interactive Workshop and Demonstration was intended to advance the dialogue between automakers, technology providers, mobile network operators and the overall transportation community on the capabilities, timeline and deployment models for Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) in Europe. This event also showcased the most recent developments and deployment initiatives around C-V2X, paving the way towards 5G for the uptake of Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM).
The presentations made during the workshop are downloadable here below:
- 5GAA Opening – 5GAA
- The Automotive Value Proposition of Cellular-V2X – BMW Group
- Future-Proof Infrastructure: Planning & Executing Technology Transition – Commsignia
- Now, Near and Far: The Case For C-V2X – Ford Motor Company
- Why C-V2X: A Global OEM Perspective – PSA Groupe
- Leveraging Mobile Network Infrastructure for C-ITS – Orange
- Synergies in Connected Mobility of Tomorrow: C-V2X & Railways Case Study – SNCF
The presentations made during the demonstration are downloadable here below:
- 5GAA Opening – 5GAA
- C-V2X Direct Communications Multi-Vehicle Interoperability – PSA Group, BMW, Ford, Savari, Qualcomm