5GAA and the City of Turin become official partners

The 5G Automotive Association officially became a partner of the City of Turin through the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding, at the occasion of 5GAA’s Connected and Automated Driving Workshop in Berlin on 23 May 2019.
The City of Turin is the first public authority 5GAA is officially partnering with. The Piedmontese capital, home to the Italian automotive industry, will work together with 5GAA to strengthen the collaboration between industry and the public sector and to facilitate the dialogue to drive innovation in mobility and transport. “The signature of a memorandum of understanding with a public authority, the City of Turin, is a first step towards the development of strategy public partnerships. We look forward to a fruitful collaboration” said 5GAA Chairman Christoph Voigt.
The City of Turin has started a linked strategic path to innovation (Torino City Lab, Smart Road) based on the opening of the city to frontier innovation, testing and experimentation on the whole urban territory using real environments and integrating new solutions within the city’s technological infrastructures, attraction and realization of new services. According to Innovation Counsellor Paola Pisano, “the intention is to place Turin into the innovation maps of 5GAA partners, providing the project with the know-how of the territory and the support of the Torino City Lab policy for the development of innovation in the areas of mobility and telecommunications, with a focus on 5G.”
5GAA’s objectives are fully aligned as the association intends to develop new partnerships with public authorities around C-V2X technical and testing activities to accelerate and support time-to-market and foreseen deployments in Europe and other world regions.
The City of Torino will be hosting the next 5GAA meeting in Europe in November 2019.