Webinar on the new 5GAA C-V2X roadmap to be hosted in December 2022

The 5G Automotive Association recently unveiled the revised version of its 2030 roadmap, first published two years ago. To present the key findings and main takeaways of this release, the association is organising a webinar on the “5GAA C-V2X Roadmap II: Update of 2030 industry vision for Advanced Driving Use Cases, Connectivity Technologies, and Radio Spectrum Needs”, taking place on December 15.
The connected and smart mobility landscape has significantly changed since the 5G Automotive Association published its first 2030 roadmap two years ago. Since then, the C-ITS ecosystem has witnessed a rapid evolution and global deployment of basic safety services, use cases addressing traffic efficiency and VRU protection, and increasing market availability of C-V2X and 5G-V2X-based services and devices.
Over this period, 5GAA has been closely looking at advanced safety and automated driving applications, and the technology readiness to turn them into a market reality. An exhaustive analysis of the regional, regulatory and technological contexts, including state-of-the-art for standardization activities, has resulted in the publication of the 5GAA C-V2X Roadmap II White Paper.
To share this document’s main findings and highlights with the 5GAA community, the association will host a webinar on Thursday, December 15, from 2:30 to 3:30 PM (CET). Chief Technology Officer, Maxime Flament, will unveil 5GAA’s vision of the future and expected timeline for C-V2X mass deployment on the 2030 horizon, with a particular focus on advanced applications bringing on automated driving, teleoperation, automated valet parking, and sensor sharing. 5GAA’s leading contributors to the paper, Andreas Schaller (Bosch), Georg Schmitt (BMW) and Alin Stanescu (Volkswagen), will join Maxime for the Q&A session and shed light on the outcome of this Work Item.
All 5GAA delegates are welcome to join the session and contribute to a fruitful discussion on the association’s foresight and how upcoming developments will contribute to global safety, mobility, environmental stewardship and transportation equity goals.
Watch the recording here.