Reducing EU Transport Emissions: Can C-V2X Deployment play a Significant Role?

On 24 November 2020, the 5G Automotive Association, in partnership with Euractiv, hosted a debate to discuss how C-V2X can contribute to reducing transport emissions.
To what extent can connected driving, with increasing levels of automation, lead to environmental benefits? To answer this question, 5GAA asked Dutch non-profit organisation TNO to conduct a study into the environmental effects of V2X communication as it is currently used in transport and as it can be used in future implementations.
During the event, the organisation presented the results of the study. These highlighted the specific C-V2X functionalities that offer the biggest emission reductions and therefore a contribution to the EU’s climate goals.
Indeed, at the time of the broadcast, the European Commission was working the Sustainable and Smart Mobility strategy, proposing measures that match the ambition of the recently updated emissions reductions goals. Policymakers aimed to leverage digitalisation and automation to create a more sustainable future for the transport and mobility sector.
Watch the video below to have some highlights of the event.