Projects Advisory
The 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) is a global association with over 120 member companies from the automotive and telecommunications industries. Partners who are active in the broader telecommunications and automotive ecosystem, such as universities, research bodies, associations, and public authorities also joined the ecosystem. Each of the 5GAA members bring added value to the 5GAA mission through their contributions and visionary mindset. Together, the key partners foster collaboration and exchange to path the way towards the new mobility era.
European Projects
The Fifth Generation Communication Automotive Research and innovation, 5GCAR, is a 5GPPP Phase 2 project. The 5GCAR research and innovation initiative addresses the stringent requirements posed on the wireless communication system by bringing the fields of telecommunication and automotive closer together and investigating the benefit of 5G for demanding automotive use cases.

The Horizon 2020 project 5G-DRIVE: 5G HarmoniseD Research and TrIals for serVice Evolution between EU and China (2018-2021) aims at trialling and validating the interoperability between EU & China 5G networks operating at 3.5 GHz bands for enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) and 3.5 & 5.9 GHz bands for V2X scenarios.

5G EVE is the European 5G validation platform for extensive trials. The goal is to implement and test advanced 5G infrastructures in Europe. The 5G-EVE concept is based on further developing and interconnecting existing European sites in Greece, Spain, France, and Italy to form a unique 5G end-to-end facility.

The 5G-MOBIX project is co-financed by the European Commission within the framework of the Horizon 2020 programme. 5G-MOBIX will develop and test automated vehicle functionalities using 5G core technological innovations along multiple cross-border corridors and urban trial sites, under conditions of vehicular traffic, network coverage, service demand, as well as considering the inherently distinct legal, business and social local aspects.

5G-ROUTES is a 5G-PPP Phase 3 project whose aim is to validate through robust evidence the latest 5G features and 3GPP specifications (R.16 & R.17) of Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) under realistic conditions. In particular, it will conduct advanced large-scale field trials of most representative CAM applications to demonstrate seamless functionality across a prominent 5G cross-border corridor (Via Baltica-North), traversing Latvia, Estonia and Finland.

The Fifth Generation Cross-Border Control, 5G-CroCo, is a 5G-PPP Phase 3 Innovation Action. 5GCroCo aims to trail 5G technologies in the cross-border corridor along France, Germany and Luxembourg. In addition, 5GCroCo also intends to define new business models that can be built on top of this unprecedented connectivity and service provisioning capacity. Ultimately, 5GCroCo will impact relevant standardization bodies from the telco and automotive industries.

5G for Connected and Automated Road Mobility in the European Union, 5G-CARMEN, will build a 5G-enabled corridor from Bologna to Munich to conduct cross-border trials of 5G technologies in four major use cases: cooperative manoeuvring, situation awareness, video streaming, and green driving. Multi-tenancy and neutral host concepts will be leveraged to deliver a final platform capable of enabling new business models. 5G-CARMEN will complement C-V2X with LTE and C-ITS technologies, targeting interoperability and harnessing a hybrid network.

The CONCORDA project, launched in October 2017 and funded by the Connecting Europe Facility, will contribute to the preparation of European motorways for connected and automated driving and high-density truck platooning, by providing adequate connected services and technologies in terms of interferences and interoperability.
Global5G is a Coordination and Support Action within Europe’s 5G public and private partnership (5G PPP) that is working on both fronts through its focus on vertical industries and small cell deployments. It works closely with the private side of the 5G PPP – the 5G Infrastructure Association (5G-IA) to help boost impacts through diverse working groups and task force activities.

5GMED is an innovative H2020-funded project that focuses on a sustainable 5G deployment model for future mobility in the cross-border corridor between Spain and France. Aside from the implementation of four different use cases, 5GMED’s trials seek to enhance roaming transitions across MNOs and neutral hosts for both Cooperative and Connected Automated Mobility (CCAM) and Future Railway Mobile Communications Systems (FRMCS).

NordicWay 2 is a C-ITS pilot project that enables vehicles, infrastructure and network operators to communicate safety hazards and other information from roads in the Nordic countries between different stakeholders. The project is a collaboration between public and private partners in Finland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark and builds on the achievements of the previous NordicWay project.

ENSEMBLE wants to communicate the economic, societal and environmental impact of decisions surrounding platoon forming and dissolving. ENSEMBLE also strives to modernize the transport system by finding an optimal balance between fuel consumption, emission level, travel times and impact on highway traffic flow, resulting in reduced impacts on climate change, air pollution, noise, health and accidents.

ARCADE is a Coordination and Support Action that coordinates consensus-building across stakeholders for sound and harmonised deployment of Connected, Cooperative and Automated Driving (CAD). It supports the development of a common approach to the development, testing, validation and deployment of CAD in Europe and beyond, and aims to establish a joint stakeholders forum in order to coordinate and harmonise automated road transport approaches at a European and international level.

5G Blueprint is a H2020-funded project that aims to design and validate technical architecture, business models and governance for interrupted cross-border teleoperated transport based on 5G connectivity. Its objective is to provide a blueprint for operational pan-European deployment of teleoperated transport solutions in the logistics sector, and beyond. It explores the economics of 5G in cross-border transport and the issues of responsibility and accountability within the value chain.

Stardust is an H2020 Smart Cities project, which brings together exemplary models of smart, highly efficient, intelligent, and citizen-oriented cities. The project focuses on intelligent solutions for energy, mobility and ICT, to be integrated into cities together with innovative business models. One of its objectives is to create and deploy open city information platforms, that allows cities to engage actively with each other and to share information. The project’s results will serve as a blueprint for replication across Europe and abroad.
National Projects
Funded by the German Ministry of Transportation and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) in the program “Automated and Connected Driving on Digital Test Fields in Germany”, the objective of the project ConVeX is to set up a testbed for the first field tests of 3GPP LTE Release 14 Cellular V2X (C-V2X) and validate its performance and feasibility.