NGMN Publish white paper on V2X

The Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN) recently published a White Paper demonstrating their views on Vehicle-To-Everything (V2X) technologies as a key component to reduce the number of road accidents and enhance safety on our roads.
In the study, eight V2X use cases were chosen to reflect the three ITS application types: 1) road safety, 2) traffic management & efficiency and 3) infotainment. They encompassed various C-V2X communication methods such as Vehicle-To-Vehicle (V2V), Vehicle-To-Infrastructure (V2I), Vehicle-To-Pedestrian (V2P), Infrastructure-To-Vehicle (I2V), Vehicle-To-Network-To-Vehicle (V2N2V), and Network-To-Vehicle (N2V).
Here are some of the key findings and conclusions of the NGMN as highlighted in the paper:
- To date, NGMN members have provided cellular connectivity to more than 30 million vehicles worldwide which are used for a variety of safety-related use cases (e.g. distribution safety-related jam warning, black ice warnings, etc.). It is expected that in the near future every vehicle will be equipped with cellular connectivity. This is a good and market-driven basis for further deployment of further C-V2X technology and services.
- With the finalization of 3GPP Rel. 14 specifications at the beginning of 2017, NGMN members now have a 3GPP standardized solution, which supports both long-range as well short-range communication, and which fulfills all the requirements of a C-ITS eco-system.
- After already ongoing tests, the technology will be deployed by 2020.
- NGMN believes that C-V2X is not only able to enhance safety features for vehicles, but also supports use cases for other traffic participants, like pedestrians and cyclists.
- NGMN has investigated and concluded that C-V2X technology is superior to IEEE 802.11p standards, technically, economically, and eco-system wise, and can well satisfy the basic safety applications…