5GAA Study | The cost-benefit analysis on cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) technology and its evolution to 5G-V2X

This report, authored by independent telecoms, media and technology consultants Analysys Mason together with automotive consultancy SBD Automotive, assesses the benefits of cellular vehicle to everything (C‑V2X) technology for delivery of vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication. The report, which has a focus on the benefits of such solutions in Europe, uses qualitative evidence, and describes quantitative cost–benefit analysis that the consultants have undertaken, relating to deployment of C‑V2X.
The purpose of the study has been to examine qualitative evidence and perform quantitative analysis, regarding the net benefits of C‑V2X. Quantitative analysis is focused on the European market, where the European Commission (EC) is currently undertaking a public consultation on the deployment of cooperative intelligent transport systems (C‑ITS).
Read the full study here.
As part of this study, primary research has been conducted to elicit views from the mobile and automotive industries on the benefits of C‑V2X. One-to-one interviews with companies involved in the 5GAA were held, in order to identify several key benefits, as summarised in Figure 1.1 below.
A snippet from the report featuring the benefits of C-V2X [Source: Analysys Mason, 2017]