Environmental benefits of Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM)

Position Paper 6 Nov. 2019

Environmental benefits of Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM)

The new European Commission recently outlined its political priorities, based on two fundamental and complementary pillars: environmental protection through the European Green Deal, and the digitalisation of Europe. Transport still represents around 25% of Europe’s total CO2 emissions. Road-based travel is responsible for the largest share of these emissions, which are expected[1] to double by 2050. Therefore, decisive actions need to be taken by policymakers and stakeholders to ensure that the objective laid out by the European Union[2] of cutting greenhouse gas emission by more than 80% in 2050 compared to 1990’s level is met.

5G technology enables a fully connected and automated mobility which begins with the availability of the LTE-V2X technology today. Vehicles and infrastructure are able to exchange relevant information via LTE-V2X either through direct short-range communication, which does not require network coverage, or long-range communication via the network, creating a real-time connection between all actors of road mobility. The upcoming 5G revolution will reinforce those interactions and spark a whole new set of services, dramatically changing the mobility landscape.

Read 5GAA’s Position Paper on the matter.