Bright Regulatory Trends of C-V2X in Asia Pacific Region

Shanghai, China – On 16 November, The 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) hosted its Second General Assembly. Following announcements of the association’s progress and growth worldwide, 5GAA inaugurated the Asia Pacific Roundtable. Here, regulators from China and South Korea joined the discussion, sharing industry trends for the Internet of Vehicles and future Intelligent Transport Systems, as well as a number of real-life demonstrations of technology that is being developed in this region.
5GAA is a unique organisation on the global stage: with leading members of the automotive and telecommunications industry as founders. The association aims to pioneer digital transformation on our roads, creating a safer and more sustainable road environment for all.

At the Asia Pacific Roundtable, Mr. He Guangjin from the Chinese TMRI (Traffic Management Research Institution) of MPS (Ministry of Public Security), presented the demonstration made at WIOT 2017 (World Internet of Things Expo) in Wuxi. This was the first demonstration from the Chinese public security industry where the LTE-V2X technology was employed. Additionally, it was so a premiere for the official traffic management system to be opened to vehicles on open roads. TMR also announced its plan to build a larger LTE-V2X pre-commercial trial including 20 to 50 intersections in 2018, to verify the broadcasting of real-time traffic conditions of intersections and the reception of information transmitted from vehicles. Additionally, TMRI is actively working on industry and national standards such as “Road Traffic Signal Controller I2V Information Distribution Interface Specifications”, “Adaptive Verification Management Regulation of Intelligent & Connected Vehicles (ICV) on Public Roads”, etc.

Dr. Cen Yanqing from the Chinese RIOH (Research Institution of Highway) of the MOT (Ministry of Transport) shared the important progress of the MOT. The ministry is paying close attention to automated driving and has already set up a dedicated working group to coordinate the corresponding ministries and guide the work on automated driving technology. In order to achieve automated driving, it is not sufficient to equip autonomous vehicles but it’s also needed to have an intelligent reformation of the road infrastructure and vehicle-to-road, vehicle-to-vehicle, vehicle-to-person communication and interaction in an effective way. To further promote the automated driving, the Ministry of Transport has built test zone for commercial vehicles verification in Tongzhou, Beijing, including specific scenarios e.g. ramps, intersections, and traffic lights.
When Dr. Cen was asked about whether MOT will mandate any technical specifications, he clarified there is no mandatory regulation so far. The MOT – as a department which uses technology – is opened to the utilisation of the V2X technology, but will select the best and most efficient technology eventually, he said. He also claimed that the MOT would support some of the Chinese telecommunication corporate contributions such as CMCC, Huawei, and Datang. Finally, he declared “we cannot implement two technologies but only one”.

•Vice President of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China
•Chairman of the IMT-2020 (5G) Promotion Group
Ms. Wang Zhiqin, from CAICT (China Academy of Information and Communications Technology) of MIIT(Ministry of Industry and Information Technology), explained that the national CAV (Connected and Automated Vehicles) industry development committee advises to promote the LTE-V2X technology deployment and application, and its evolution to 5G and internet of vehicles integration development. He also announced the release of the Guide to the Construction of Standard Architecture for CAV Industry Development jointly developed by MIIT and NSC (National Standardization Administration), in which the LTE-V2X and 5G technologies are greatly highlighted in the information and communications volume. When asked about the spectrum of the Internet of Vehicles in China, Ms. Wang expressed that the government attaches great importance to it and needs prompt issuance and release of a positive guidance to the industry. She believes China should release this C-V2X spectrum relatively soon.

Deputy Director, ITS and Road Safety Division, Road Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, South Korea
Mr. Chang-ki Kim, from the MOLIT (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport) explained that his division in Korea is implementing two strategies to promote the commercialisation of Internet of Vehicles. The first strategy consists of focusing on the C-ITS safety aspect by developing and commercialising the RoDAS (Road Driving Assistant Systems) by 2020 in accordance with the National ITS Master Plan. As CAV (Connected and Automated Vehicles) will improve road safety issues under the mixed condition of AV (Automated Vehicles) and LV (Legacy Vehicles) in both highway and urban areas. MOLIT will launch, as its second strategy, the transportation renovation program by promoting and integrating the C-ITS and CAV technologies under their CAD (Connected and Automated Driving) Test-beds. Additionally, he emphasised that deploying those Test-beds in Korea would include the verification of various communication techniques, e.g., C-V2X (LTE, 5G), under the real and dynamic road environment. Mr. Kim expressed his intention to invite all ICT and CAD testing companies to conduct their service applications and to develop their cooperation and sharing models by joining those Test-beds.