5GS Enhancements for Providing Predictive QoS in C-V2X

Report 22 May. 2020

5GS Enhancements for Providing Predictive QoS in C-V2X

The NESQO Work Item (WI) kicked off in February 2018 with input from car makers, in order to address key automotive requirements on a selected set of identified use cases. The main objective of the study was to provide Predictive QoS for C-V2X in 5G, utilising technologies including End-to-End Network Slicing, Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC), an evolved QoS framework and Machine Learning.

Upon conclusion of the NESQO WI, the need for a follow-up WI was put forward; some of the topics already identified in the original WID were not fully covered in the NESQO TR and needed further study. Additionally, new requirements had been identified, that were relevant to the agreed scope but not included in NESQO.

This document addresses the 5GAA WG2 Work Item ‘Enhanced End-to-End Network Slicing and Predictive QoS’.

Read the PDF document