5GAA Applauds FCC Action to Permit Initial C-V2X Deployments

Washington, DC, April 25 – The 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) applauds the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for its decision to permit initial deployments of Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (“C-V2X”) technology in the 5.9 GHz band.
“Today’s action by the FCC is an important milestone on the road towards widespread deployment of life-saving C-V2X technology in the United States,” said John F. Kwant, Executive Director, Americas for 5GAA. “These initial deployments of C-V2X technology will allow road users to begin to benefit from this state-of-the-art vehicle safety technology. 5GAA and its member companies appreciate the FCC’s efforts in this important proceeding, and we look forward to working with the FCC to ensure swift action on the other pending waiver requests to deploy C-V2X for roadway safety use-cases.”
In December 2021, a group of automakers, state departments of transportation, and equipment manufacturers jointly filed a Waiver Request asking the FCC to waive its 5.9 GHz band rules to permit them to immediately deploy C-V2X technology. In addition to the Utah and Virginia state departments of transportation, signatories to the filing included 5GAA members Ford, Audi, Jaguar Land Rover, Applied Information, Cohda Wireless, Commsignia, Danlaw, HARMAN and Panasonic. The request identified a wide range of deployment plans—from vehicular deployments to widescale road infrastructure installments—that public and private stakeholders are ready to implement.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimated that 42,795 people died in motor vehicle traffic crashes in 2022, a fatality rate that remains flat but after two years of dramatic increases. Many of these deaths are avoidable with broad deployment of roadway safety technologies like C-V2X. Indeed, NHTSA has previously estimated that safety applications enabled by V2X could eliminate or mitigate the severity of more than 80 percent of light vehicle crashes. As traffic fatalities rapidly increase, the FCC’s action allows investment and innovation in C-V2X safety applications that can help reverse this troubling trend.
About 5GAA
The 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) is a global, cross-industry organization of over 120 members, including leading global automakers, Tier-1 suppliers, mobile operators, semiconductor companies, and test equipment vendors. 5GAA members work together to develop end-to-end solutions for future mobility and transport services. 5GAA is committed to helping define and develop the next generation of connected mobility, automated vehicle, and intelligent transport solutions based on C-V2X. For more information, visit our website.
Media Contact
5GAA Communications Team: marcom@5gaa.org